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 Hetty Feather
Author:Jacqueline Wilson
Gasp as she as she is abandoned as a baby, shudder at the hardships she suffers, wonder at her
search for her true mother. That’s what it says on the back of Hetty Feather and while you are reading
this book you will do all that and more.

Hetty Feather is a great book, full of twists, turns and clever surprises on every page. One of the many
reasons I liked this book is because you never suspect a thing, you can never guess what will happen
next. I was always trying to guess who Hetty’s mother was, but I never could. Another reason I enjoyed
this book was because it is very suspenseful and addicting. Every padge and every chapter left me
wanting to know what would happen next.

The Beginning
I will admit that I actually didn’t like the beginning of the book. I disliked it to the point that I  stopped
reading. Other people might like the beginning of the book though, I only stopped reading because
that type of book didn’t appeal to me. I didn’t find it very exciting. The first chapter did hook me in it
was the chapters after that when I started to dislike the book. If I had to rate the beginning of the book
I would give it a 5/10.

The Middle
The middle of the book makes up for any mistakes in the beginning. As Jacqueline Wilson tells the
story you get swept away to London and to the grim building of the Foundling hospital. The middle of
the book is gripping and entertaining you have the same rollercoaster of emotions as Hetty. This book
made me smile and cry, each chapter left me wanting to know what would happen next, and if I had
to rate the middle of this book I would give it a 8.8/10.

The End
Hetty Feather has an amazing end to it. It was a very satisfying end, only a slight cliffhanger. While
Hetty Feather had to end on a cliffhanger because it is the first in a series, it was a nice cliff hanger
and was quit suttle. It wasn’t like some book where they may as well have said we want you to read
the next book and that is why we ended it this way. It was a nice satisfying ending and if I had to rate
the ending of this book I would give it a 8.5/10.


Hetty Feather was an enjoyable book. While the start was not very good the middle and end made up
for any prior misfortunes. Hetty Feather is suitable for a boy or girl age 8-13. This book had a very
good plot, and it had some very good plot twists. If I had to rate Hetty Feather I would rate it a 9.2/10.


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