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Book Recommendation Lists

I have a lot of parents and teachers asking for guidance when it comes to choosing a book for their child or students.  Often they feel their child may be lost in the Captain Underpants or Fairy stage (trust me, this is completely normal) and are not moving forward in their reading.

I often see a pattern with our young readers.  Boys, for example, will flock to the Zac Power collection, Captain Underpants, Minecraft, Pokemon, and Superhero books.  Even boys as young as Year 1 beg to take these books home regardless of the fact they are unable to read them independently.  The majority of these boys will then head to the Wimpy Kid series, Andy Griffith books, Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.  I've noticed a real increase in boys loving the Bear Grylls books and Wings of Fire series.  The girls are the same - Fairies, puppies, kittens, Ella & Olivia books.  And these lead onto Holly Webb books, Famous Five, Babysitters Club, Pony novels, Harry Potter and Jacqueline Wilson novels.

Some of these kids however get stuck at the Captain Underpants and Fairy phase.  They literally cannot move on from these books, and either re-read the same books over and over, or they just stop reading altogether.  Especially the boys.

With this in mind I have begun the three lists below.  These lists are a starting point to help parents especially, but teachers also, guide their children past the necessary beginnings of fairies, Pokemon and underpants and into the world of independent reading.  This includes being able to choose a book confidently, actually finish it, and then choose another without it becoming a chore.  It is about our kids growing as readers and being able to take a chance on a new author, a new genre, or a book they have never read before.  Hopefully the lists below can help with all of this.

Please go to this link:
for books on reluctant readers.  I am not a reluctant reader guru, but based on what I see, and read on the subject, I do feel the ideas on this list would be beneficial to getting your child reading happily.

Please go to this link:
for recommended books to read aloud to others.  Some books really are just meant to be read to another and enjoyed together.

Please go to this link:
for recommended reading ideas based on age and level.  The age sections are interchangeable depending on your childs reading ability.  I would suggest that the year 5 and 6 options are there not just for ability, but for content also, so you may want to check those if looking for a younger reader.

Please feel free to send me your recommended reads so I can add them to these lists :)

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